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//RMR Pro Program

RMR Pro Program




Never pay for another radar detector again!

New Unit: $89.99

Cost:  $9.99 per month for life


  1. Free lifetime ticket rebate
  2. Free lifetime warranty service
  3. Free lifetime product upgrades – Get a new replacement unit whenever there is a technology or new model update.
  4. Free lifetime access to our APPS as they become available.
  5. Free lifetime access to our books and cheat sheets as they become available.
  6. Free lifetime access to member newsletter that informs you of technology and legal changes in the detector industry.

Program rules: (The fine print)

  1. We will upgrade your unit whenever there is a change in the police radar/laser technology at no charge to you. These happen infrequently but we will track changes and design countermeasures as required. When complete, these will be shipped FREE of charge – except for a nominal P&H fee (currently $29.99).
  2. We will upgrade your unit whenever we have a model change in the police radar/laser detection technology at no charge to you. These usually occur at 6 – to – 30 month intervals and will contain detection technology, user interface or safety design improvements. When complete, these will be shipped FREE of charge – except for a nominal P&H fee (currently $29.99).
  3. Your unit will be replaced at no charge if stolen or damaged – except for intentional or careless damage – for a nominal P&H (currently $29.99).
  4. There will be no charge for warranty work as long as you are a member of the program.
  5. The ticket rebate program has certain restrictions (speed, construction and school zones) based upon safety considerations. See ticket rebate program for full details.
  6. If you lose or damage your unit it may be replaced for ½ the current retail price of that model plus applicable shipping and handling (currently $29.99).
  7. While current models include both scrambling and detection capabilities, these may be altered or eliminated subject to legal and technical necessity. In any case all the benefits stated above will continue to accrue.
  8. There may be a termination fee of $100.00 if you cancel your membership within the first 6-months.
  9. Termination. Warranty, Ticket Rebate and Free Upgrades terminate with the termination of the program for voluntary withdrawing or failure to make payments. You will have a 30-day grace period to reinstate the program.

Currently comes with the RMR-C435

The EWD (Early Warning Discriminator) & TSR (Traffic Sensor Rejection) prevent false alarms by eliminating signals emitted by safety sensors on many newer vehicles. You can rest assured that when The Judge alerts you to the presence of police radar, they are near!

  • K-Band Detectionon/off Selection
  • Ka-Band Detectionon/off Selection
  • Laser Detection on/off Selection
  • Select K Wide or K Narrow Detection
  • Select Ka Wide or Ka Narrow Detection

Super Clear OLED Display
The screen is clearly visible in all lighting conditions, so you won’t have to squint, move your head or lose focus in anyway from the road.

Full 360° Radar and Laser Detection
Full, 5 mile detection of all bands and frequencies used by police, including K, Ka, super wide bands and all laser. This radar detector uses micro-scan. It enables our detectors to scan 2-4 times faster than any other detector, which gives you a 100% probability of detecting POP Radar. This technology is unique to Rocky Mountain Radar detectors. In addition, we have eliminated X-Band detection. This allows us to prevent false alarms and to increase K and Ka Band sensitivity.

Radar/Laser Scrambling
Police detectors need to get multiple readings sequentially in order to display a valid speed to the officer using the radar/laser gun. When The Judge detects a speed detection device, it floods the signal with additional signals making it impossible for the speed detection device to get an accurate reading.

Additional Features

  • City/Highway mode
  • Mute function
  • Dim function


Radar & Laser Detector


  • 24.125 Ghz
  • 33-36 GHz
  • 904 Nano-meter


  • K – 120 Dbm
  • Ka Wide – 115 Dbm
  • Laser <.5 microwatt
  • [VG-2, 3]

Scrambler Specifications


  • 8.0-38.2 Ghz
  • Antenna: Dual Ridge Cast Wave Guide
  • Mixer: Custom MM Wave Schottky
  • Doppler: Pseudo Random Digital Noise Generator

LIDAR Scrambler:

  • Full Laser coverage using a synchronous pulse
  • position modulation to confuse the LIDAR computer.
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